A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: figuring the protocol

August 8, 2021

Picture credit: Val

This article is part of a series about scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise.

  1. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: existing clients
  2. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: figuring the protocol
  3. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: understanding BrowserID
  4. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: hybrid OAuth
  5. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: complete OAuth

In the previous post, we found existing Firefox Sync clients, one in Python and one in Node.js. Both hadnā€™t been updated in more than 6 years but with some quick fixes we got them working.

For learning purpose, letā€™s extract the code from node-fx-sync thatā€™s necessary to access Firefox Sync collections, and simplify it as much as possible.

The first step is to authenticating with Firefox Accounts. Then, we need to do a little crypto dance with the Firefox Sync TokenServer that will in turn give us credentials to access an actual Firefox Sync API node. The Sync API will then let us query collections, that we can decrypt with some more crypto wizardry.

Iā€™ll break that down in pieces below, then give a fully working example that you can just copy and run yourself.

Sign in to Firefox Accounts

First we instantiate a fxa-js-client to interact with the Firefox Accounts API.

Note: this client is not maintained, itā€™s been replaced with fxa-auth-client in this PR a year ago, but that newer package is not published on npm, and since itā€™s part of a monorepo, we canā€™t install it from GitHub with npm either.

GitPkg can help with that, but Iā€™d rather not introduce an element of indirection in fetching the package that Iā€™ll give my Firefox Accounts password to.

const AuthClient = require('fxa-js-client')

const authServerUrl = 'https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1'
const email = '...'
const pass = '...'

const client = new AuthClient(authServerUrl)

const creds = await client.signIn(email, pass, {
  keys: true,
  reason: 'login'

As we saw earlier, setting reason: 'login' is necessary for the login to work without needing an unblock code sent to the user email.

Because we specified keys: true, we get keyFetchToken and unwrapBKey in the response, which allows us to fetch the account keys. This will be useful later.

const accountKeys = await client.accountKeys(creds.keyFetchToken, creds.unwrapBKey)

The Firefox Sync TokenServer authentication dance

Next, we need to call the TokenServer to get the credentials for the Firefox Sync API.

There is two ways of authenticating to the TokenServer: BrowserID and OAuth.

At that point I just copied what Mozillaā€™s Python client and node-fx-sync were doing, which is using BrowserID. Itā€™s also the method thatā€™s referred in most, if not all, the documentation I could find online to this day.

I later found out that OAuth is the new, recommended way and the last posts of this series explains how to implement it. If you donā€™t care about BrowserID, you can directly jump to the next section that explains how to fetch and decrypt records from a Sync node.

The BrowserID protocol requires us to generate an asymmetric keypair, either DSA or RSA. Mozilla made the browserid-crypto package (previously known as jwcrypto) to help with implementing it.

const { promisify } = require('util')
const jwcrypto = require('browserid-crypto')


const kp = await promisify(jwcrypto.generateKeypair)({ algorithm: 'DS', keysize: 256 })

// Also works with RSA.
// const kp = await promisify(jwcrypto.generateKeypair)({ algorithm: 'RS', keysize: 256 })

After generating the keypair, we need to ask the Firefox Accounts server to generate a signed certificate of our public key. As documented on the API, the certificate validity duration is set in milliseconds and can be up to 24 hours.

const duration = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
const { cert } = await client.certificateSign(creds.sessionToken, kp.publicKey.toSimpleObject(), duration)

Next, we generate an ā€œidentity assertionā€ (essentially a JWT with an empty payload) using our private key.

const tokenServerUrl = 'https://token.services.mozilla.com'

const signedObject = await promisify(jwcrypto.assertion.sign)(
    audience: tokenServerUrl,
    issuer: authServerUrl,
    expiresAt: Date.now() + duration

By combining the previous certificate with this JWT, separated by the ~ character (tilde), we create a ā€œbacked identity assertionā€, that weā€™ll be able to use in the Authorization header.

const backedAssertion = [cert, signedObject].join('~')

We also compute the X-Client-State header which is the first 32 bytes of a SHA-256 digest of the Sync key as documented here.

const crypto = require('crypto')

const syncKey = Buffer.from(accountKeys.kB, 'hex')
const clientState = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(syncKey).digest().slice(0, 16).toString('hex')

We now have everything ready to call the TokenServer. Iā€™ll use node-fetch for that.

const fetch = require('node-fetch')

const token = await fetch(`${tokenServerUrl}/1.0/sync/1.5`, {
  headers: {
    Authorization: `BrowserID ${backedAssertion}`,
    'X-Client-State': clientState
  .then(res => res.json())

This gives us ā€œthe URL of the userā€™s Sync storage node, and some short-lived credentials that can be used to access itā€ as documented here.

Actually calling Firefox Sync

We now have the credentials to call the Firefox Sync API. It uses Hawk authentication, so weā€™ll write a fetch wrapper to handle it for us.

For convenience, weā€™ll make it take the token we got from the Sync TokenServer earlier, since it contains everything we need to perform Hawk authentication, and weā€™ll leverage the hawk package to do the heavy lifting.

const Hawk = require('hawk')

function hawkFetch (token, path, params = {}) {
  const url = `${token.api_endpoint}/${path}`

  const hawkOptions = {
    credentials: {
      id: token.id,
      key: token.key,
      algorithm: token.hashalg

  if (params.body) {
    hawkOptions.payload = params.body

  const authHeader = Hawk.client.header(url, params.method || 'get', hawkOptions)

  return fetch(url, Object.assign({}, params, {
    headers: Object.assign({
      Authorization: authHeader.header
    }, params.headers)

We can then use that helper to fetch the passwords:

const passwords = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/passwords?full=true')
  .then(res => res.json())

But those passwords are encrypted! If we want to access the actual payload (including the domain, username and password for each entry), we need a couple more steps.

Sync stores ā€œcollectionsā€, e.g. bookmarks, history, tabs, passwords and more. The collections are made of objects, referred to as BSO (basic storage object) and previously known as a WBO (Weave basic object).

Each object is encrypted using a symmetric key that is stored in the keys collection, a special collection encrypted with a key derived from the user Sync key, itself derived locally from the user password, effectively making Firefox Sync end-to-end encrypted. šŸ¤Æ

The keys are fetched like the passwords:

const cryptoKeys = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/crypto/keys')
  .then(res => res.json())

To decrypt them, we need to derive the user Sync key using HKDF.

async function deriveKeys (syncKey) {
  const salt = ''
  const info = 'identity.mozilla.com/picl/v1/oldsync'
  const bundle = Buffer.from(await promisify(crypto.hkdf)('sha256', syncKey, salt, info, 64))

  return {
    encryptionKey: bundle.slice(0, 32),
    hmacKey: bundle.slice(32, 64)

const syncKey = Buffer.from(accountKeys.kB, 'hex')
const syncKeyBundle = await deriveKeys(syncKey)

This gives us a bundle containing an encryption key and a HMAC key. The records are encrypted using AES-256-CBC and signed with HMAC using the respective keys.

Weā€™ll write a decryptBSO helper, that takes a key bundle and a BSO to decrypt, performing HMAC verification at the same time.

function decryptBSO (keyBundle, bso) {
  const payload = JSON.parse(bso.payload)

  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', keyBundle.hmacKey)

  if (hmac !== payload.hmac) {
    throw new Error('HMAC mismatch')

  const iv = Buffer.from(payload.IV, 'base64')
  const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', keyBundle.encryptionKey, iv)
  const plaintext = decipher.update(payload.ciphertext, 'base64', 'utf8') + decipher.final('utf8')
  const result = JSON.parse(plaintext)

  if (result.id !== bso.id) {
    throw new Error('Record ID mismatch')

  return result

Now we can adapt our keys fetching code so that it also decrypts them.

const cryptoKeys = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/crypto/keys')
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(bso => decryptBSO(syncKeyBundle, bso))

Finally, we want to decrypt the passwords that we fetched earlier. The keys we just retrieved are made of a default key bundle, as well as optional collection-specific keys, as defined in the protocol.

In practice, I only encountered default keys, but I still support collection keys for future compatibility.

const encodedKeyBundle = cryptoKeys.collections.passwords || cryptoKeys.default

const collectionKeyBundle = {
  encryptionKey: Buffer.from(encodedKeyBundle[0], 'base64'),
  hmacKey: Buffer.from(encodedKeyBundle[1], 'base64')

Notice how the collectionKeyBundle variable is compatible with the keyBundle we pass to decryptBSO? This is how weā€™ll be able to decrypt the passwords!

const passwords = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/passwords?full=true')
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(items => items.map(bso => decryptBSO(collectionKeyBundle, bso)))

And voilĆ ! This is all we need to fetch and decrypt records from Firefox Sync! It only took reading documentation from 14 different places to understand how it works.

Writing data is only a matter of implementing encryptBSO, essentially doing the reverse of what decryptBSO is doing, and sending the corresponding PUT or POST requests. Iā€™ll leave that as an exercise to the reader. šŸ˜‰

But weā€™re not done yet. First Iā€™ll share with you the code that we built in this post, then weā€™ll take a look at how BrowserID works (youā€™ll understand why).

Give me the whole code!

const { promisify } = require('util')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const AuthClient = require('fxa-js-client')
const jwcrypto = require('browserid-crypto')
const Hawk = require('hawk')


const authServerUrl = 'https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1'
const tokenServerUrl = 'https://token.services.mozilla.com'
const email = '...'
const pass = '...'

// Derive the Sync key bundle as documented in <https://mozilla-services.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sync/storageformat5.html#sync-key-bundle>
// in order to fetch the collection key bundles.
async function deriveKeys (syncKey) {
  const salt = ''
  const info = 'identity.mozilla.com/picl/v1/oldsync'
  const bundle = Buffer.from(await promisify(crypto.hkdf)('sha256', syncKey, salt, info, 64))

  return {
    encryptionKey: bundle.slice(0, 32),
    hmacKey: bundle.slice(32, 64)

// Decrypt a BSO (basic storage object) previously known as a WBO (Weave basic
// object) according to <https://mozilla-services.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sync/storageformat5.html#record-encryption>.
function decryptBSO (keyBundle, bso) {
  const payload = JSON.parse(bso.payload)

  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', keyBundle.hmacKey)

  if (hmac !== payload.hmac) {
    throw new Error('HMAC mismatch')

  const iv = Buffer.from(payload.IV, 'base64')
  const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', keyBundle.encryptionKey, iv)
  const plaintext = decipher.update(payload.ciphertext, 'base64', 'utf8') + decipher.final('utf8')
  const result = JSON.parse(plaintext)

  if (result.id !== bso.id) {
    throw new Error('Record ID mismatch')

  return result

// Fetch a URL using Hawk authentication according to
// <https://github.com/mozilla/hawk/blob/main/API.md#usage-example>.
// The token is expected to come from a Sync TokenServer response
// as documented in <https://github.com/mozilla-services/tokenserver#response>.
function hawkFetch (token, path, params = {}) {
  const url = `${token.api_endpoint}/${path}`

  const hawkOptions = {
    credentials: {
      id: token.id,
      key: token.key,
      algorithm: token.hashalg

  if (params.body) {
    hawkOptions.payload = params.body

  const authHeader = Hawk.client.header(url, params.method || 'get', hawkOptions)

  return fetch(url, Object.assign({}, params, {
    headers: Object.assign({
      Authorization: authHeader.header
    }, params.headers)

async function main () {
  const client = new AuthClient(authServerUrl)

  const creds = await client.signIn(email, pass, {
    keys: true,
    reason: 'login'

  const accountKeys = await client.accountKeys(creds.keyFetchToken, creds.unwrapBKey)

  const kp = await promisify(jwcrypto.generateKeypair)({ algorithm: 'DS', keysize: 256 })

  // Also works with RSA.
  // const kp = await promisify(jwcrypto.generateKeypair)({ algorithm: 'RS', keysize: 256 })

  // Time interval in milliseconds until the certificate will expire, up to a
  // maximum of 24 hours as documented in <https://github.com/mozilla/fxa/blob/f6bc0268a9be12407456fa42494243f336d81a38/packages/fxa-auth-server/docs/api.md#request-body-32>.
  const duration = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24

  const { cert } = await client.certificateSign(creds.sessionToken, kp.publicKey.toSimpleObject(), duration)

  // Generate an "identity assertion" which is a JWT as documented in
  // <https://github.com/mozilla/id-specs/blob/prod/browserid/index.md#identity-assertion>.
  const signedObject = await promisify(jwcrypto.assertion.sign)(
      audience: tokenServerUrl,
      issuer: authServerUrl,
      expiresAt: Date.now() + duration

  // Certs are separated by a `~` as documented in <https://github.com/mozilla/id-specs/blob/prod/browserid/index.md#backed-identity-assertion>.
  const backedAssertion = [cert, signedObject].join('~')

  // See <https://github.com/mozilla-services/tokenserver#using-browserid>.
  const syncKey = Buffer.from(accountKeys.kB, 'hex')
  const clientState = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(syncKey).digest().slice(0, 16).toString('hex')

  const token = await fetch(`${tokenServerUrl}/1.0/sync/1.5`, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `BrowserID ${backedAssertion}`,
      'X-Client-State': clientState
    .then(res => res.json())

  const syncKey = Buffer.from(accountKeys.kB, 'hex')
  const syncKeyBundle = await deriveKeys(syncKey)

  // See <https://mozilla-services.readthedocs.io/en/latest/storage/apis-1.5.html>
  // for endpoints and authentication.
  const cryptoKeys = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/crypto/keys')
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(bso => decryptBSO(syncKeyBundle, bso))

  const encodedKeyBundle = cryptoKeys.collections.passwords || cryptoKeys.default

  const collectionKeyBundle = {
    encryptionKey: Buffer.from(encodedKeyBundle[0], 'base64'),
    hmacKey: Buffer.from(encodedKeyBundle[1], 'base64')

  const passwords = await hawkFetch(token, 'storage/passwords?full=true')
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(items => items.map(bso => decryptBSO(collectionKeyBundle, bso)))



Going further

This works like a charm, but one thing still bugs me. When running the code, I see a deprecation warning in the console.

[DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.

This is coming from browserid-crypto, so I made a PR to fix it, and while it got accepted, the maintainer pointed out to me that this library should be considered unmaintained:

FWIW, it would be best to consider this library unmaintained at this point, but Iā€™m happy to take small fixes like this all the same.

While thereā€™s nothing wrong with using an unmaintained library as long as it works, I was curious to see what it would take to remove the browserid-crypto package from my dependencies. In the next post, weā€™ll deconstruct BrowserID in order to implement the protocol with just native and generic modules. Keep on reading!

Check out the other posts in this series!

  1. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: existing clients
  2. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: figuring the protocol
  3. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: understanding BrowserID
  4. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: hybrid OAuth
  5. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: complete OAuth

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