A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: existing clients

August 8, 2021

Picture credit: Val

This article is part of a series about scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise.

  1. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: existing clients
  2. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: figuring the protocol
  3. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: understanding BrowserID
  4. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: hybrid OAuth
  5. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: complete OAuth

Recently, I switched to Firefox Lockwise as my password manager, for a number of reasons which I detailed here.

There is currently no CLI for Lockwise, and while it’s not a critical thing for me, I like to have the option to use my password manager from the CLI, and to interact with it programmatically. So I figured it would be a good exercise to build it myself.

I spent way more time digging in the Firefox Accounts and Firefox Sync protocols than I’m willing to admit, and now I finally managed to programmatically connect to my Firefox Account and interact with Firefox Sync, I’m going to share that journey in a series of blog posts. Fasten your seatbelts!

Fair warning

You might not be interested in the whole story, especially in the two following posts, where I explain how I started by implementing the legacy BrowserID authentication mechanism (because it’s what’s documented and used nearly everywhere), before figuring that there is also support for OAuth which seems to be the most modern, recommended way to interact with the API, and turned out to be much simpler to implement (until it wasn’t).

While the two implementations share a lot of code, if you just want to know what’s the best way to interact with Firefox Sync in 2021, go straight to hybrid OAuth, which still requires prompting the user’s email/password to open a Firefox Accounts session first (concretely means that users have to trust you more), or to complete OAuth which, while it requires contacting Mozilla to obtain your own OAuth credentials, frees you from the responsibility of handling the user’s password and primary encryption key.

In both cases, the part to call the Firefox Sync API once the authentication is performed remains the same and is explained in the second post.

That being said, if you want the whole story, let’s get started!

Our good old friend Stack Overflow

I started looking for an API, and possibly existing API clients, and I quickly figured Lockwise was built on top of Firefox Sync’s passwords collection.

Looking up “Firefox Sync API” led me to this post from 2016 on Stack Overflow, where the top answer, which is also the only answer, points to the Sync client documentation and mentions an existing Python client.

While there’s a lot of documentation on the first link, it seems to only explain the protocol specification, but it’s unclear where to start as there’s no mention of an URL to query the API and how to authenticate to it.

Looking at the client should give us a more concrete understanding.

Official Python client

The first thing I notice is that the repository hasn’t been updated since 2016 and is now archived, which means it’s probably not up-to-date, definitely not actively maintained, and it’s even documented as a proof of concept.

I try to use it but pip install -r requirements.txt fails with some weird error. Since I also noticed there was a Node.js client, I left it at that.

I later came back to it while writing this post, and it turns out after fixing some requirements.txt versions issues, it does run successfully! But it doesn’t implement the collection decryption part so it would only have solved part of my problem.

Unofficial Node.js client

There is also a Node.js client, last updated in 2014.

Out of the box, I cannot install it with npm install fx-sync, it fails with the jwcrypto dependency post-install script. On npm this package is marked as deprecated, with a recommendation of using browserid-crypto instead (which seems to be API-compatible), so after a quick sed -i 's/jwcrypto/browserid-crypto/g', I try again.

Sadly I get the same error, and realize that the post-install script was broken because of a small issue that had to do with minifying the JS output. I made a quick fix for it, which finally allowed the fx-sync package to install.

But the excitement dropped quickly as I get the following error during the login step:

  "code": 400,
  "errno": 125,
  "error": "Request blocked",
  "message": "The request was blocked for security reasons",
  "info": "https://github.com/mozilla/fxa/blob/main/packages/fxa-auth-server/docs/api.md#response-format",
  "verificationMethod": "email-captcha",
  "verificationReason": "login"

The login request is blocked for security reasons, and it’s unclear what to do to fix it. While investigating, I find this GitHub issue with the same error. While there is no solution in that issue, the OP mentions an “unblock code” which sounds interesting to me, so I figured I’ll try it myself.

node-fx-sync uses fxa-js-client to interact with Firefox Accounts, and looking at the package API, it contains a method to send an unblock code, and a way to forward it to the signIn method, so I integrate this flow to allow continuing the process using the code sent to the account email.

const AuthClient = require('fxa-js-client')

const client = new AuthClient('https://api.accounts.firefox.com/v1')

async function login (email, pass) {
  const params = {
    keys: true

  try {
    return await client.signIn(email, pass, params)
  } catch (err) {
    if (err.code === 400 && err.errno === 125) {
      await client.sendUnblockCode(email)
      params.unblockCode = await promptUserForCode()
      return client.signIn(email, pass, params)

    throw err

At that point, I hadn’t run the Python client yet, but when I did so later, I realized that it just worked, without the need for an unblock code. How was that possible? I looked at the source and figured the only difference was that PyFxA, the Python client for Firefox Accounts, sent reason=login as part of the login parameters by default, which made the authentication successful without external verification. Sweet!

client.signIn(email, pass, {
  keys: true,
  reason: 'login'

After this patch, I got fx-sync to work without the need for an unblock code, and it was successfully able to access my Firefox Sync collections and decrypt them.

const FxSync = require('fx-sync')

const sync = new FxSync({
  email: '...',
  password: '...'

const passwords = await sync.fetch('passwords')


This is a great start, but there’s something with using a package that hasn’t been updated since 2014 that just doesn’t feel right to me.

Also, this client only allows read access, but I would also like to be able to add new objects, or update and delete existing ones. While I could just implement this feature in the existing code, this feels like a great opportunity to understand better how the protocol works by making our own client. Let’s dig into it!

Check out the other posts in this series!

  1. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: existing clients
  2. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: figuring the protocol
  3. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: understanding BrowserID
  4. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: hybrid OAuth
  5. A journey to scripting Firefox Sync / Lockwise: complete OAuth

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