How to sign and notarize an Electron app for macOS

May 15, 2024

So you made a macOS app, shared it with your friends, and they encountered one of those dreaded popups:

App cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer App canā€™t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software

Then you need to sign (left) and notarize (right) your app!

Note: in the meantime, the app can still be opened by right clicking on it and clicking Open from the context menu.

Signing consists in buying a developer membership with Apple, which will let you create a key that you can use to codesign your app with.

Notarizing consists in uploading your app to an Apple service that scans it for malware. If it passes the process, your app gets a ā€œstamp of approvalā€ that is bundled with your app and also mirrored on Appleā€™s Gatekeeper servers.

In the case of Electron, hereā€™s some relevant docs this article is based on:

Get a signing certificate

The first step is to generate a signing keypair, and get a signing certificate from Apple, which requires you to subscribe to Appleā€™s developer program.

Then, follow create a certificate signing request.

In my experience, it doesnā€™t seem that the User Email Address you input matters.

As for Common Name, it seems to only affect how the private and public key are named in Keychain Access.

By saving the request to disk, you will get a CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file.

This will also create a Common Name.p12 and Common Name.pem entry in your Keychain Access. The .p12 is the private key, and the .pem is the public key, that are going to be associated with the certificate youā€™re requesting.

You should now upload the .certSigningRequest file to your Apple Developer account, in Certificates, IDs & Profiles. Choose the Developer ID Application certificate type.

This will give you a certificate developerID_application.cer that you need to import in Keychain Access (by simply opening it).

Get the intermediate certificates

I donā€™t fully understand this part, but the above is not enough to sign your app. You also need some extra root and/or intermediate certificates to be present in your Keychain Access, but itā€™s not exactly clear which ones or where to get them.

What I know is that by using Xcode and messing with their certificate management settings, it downloads the extra stuff that is needed for code signing to work.


  1. Install Xcode.
  2. In Xcode > Settingsā€¦ > Accounts, add your Apple account.
  3. Click Download Manual Profiles.
  4. Click Manage Certificates and request a new Apple Development certificate that you can delete right after.

Executing part or all of those steps may download the extra certificates you need in Keychain Access. Itā€™s not 100% clear to me what did it for me. šŸ˜… Donā€™t hesitate to let me know if you have more details on this!

Manually sign your app

Youā€™re now in a place where you can manually sign your app:

codesign --sign 'Developer ID Application: MyApp (ID)'

To find the identify to pass to --sign:

security find-identity -v -p codesigning

-v will show only valid identities. -p is for selecting a specific policy, here we care about codesigning.

Signing your app with Electron Forge

Add osxSign to your forge.config.js:

module.exports = {
  packagerConfig: {
    osxSign: {
      identity: 'Developer ID Application: MyApp (ID)'

If you only have one valid code signing identity configured on your Mac, you can omit the identity parameter. You still need to pass an empty object osxSign: {}.

Notarizing your app with Electron Forge

Add osxNotarize to your forge.config.js. Thereā€™s a few ways to configure it documented here.

The documentation is pretty clear and complete so I wonā€™t bother repeating anything here. šŸ™‚

Debugging osxSign and osxNotarize

If you encounter issues where Electron is not properly signing or notarizing your app, you can debug the signing and notarizing process that way:

DEBUG=electron-osx-sign,electron-notarize* npx electron-forge package

This will output detailed logs that should help you identify the culprit.


That should be all you need to have your app approved by Apple so that you can share it with the world. šŸŒŽ

Happy building! šŸš€

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