Archiving Google Photos offline to free up space

April 2, 2023

Note: updated on April 26, 2024.

If you backup your phone photos to Google Photos automatically, and you donā€™t pay for some kind of Google One subscription, youā€™ll run sooner or later into the 15 GB storage limit of your Google account.

15 GB is not a lot, especially when you consider than my Pixel 6a takes pictures that are easily 3 to 5 MB each. šŸ˜¬

To be fair, if you want convenience and you value your time, Google Oneā€™s $20/year for 100 GB is a pretty damn good deal. Same goes for the higher options with more storage if you need.

But if you donā€™t like recurring bills like me, and you find it overkill to keep that many old photos in the cloud, read on.

My protocol for archiving photos away from Google

In order to save space, Iā€™ll periodically archive my old photos outside of Google Photos.

This protocol is designed to archive photos from the phone that are backed up to Google Photos, but preserving the phoneā€™s original arborescence. Google Photos doesnā€™t have the path information, only the filename, so backing up from Google Photos directly would not work for this use case.

The downside is that this doesnā€™t cover the case where you have photos in Google Photos that are not on your phone.

Also itā€™s designed for a single phone backing up to a Google Photos account thatā€™s used solely for that device. Multiple devices sharing the same Google Photos is not supported.

With that said, hereā€™s how I do it.

1. Sync phone to computer

First, I use Syncthing to sync the contents of my phone to my computer.

I configure Syncthing as ā€œsend onlyā€ on my phone, and ā€œreceive onlyā€ on my computer, and I configure it to sync the root directory of my phone (which can be tricky, but possible).

After the sync is complete, I turn off Syncthing from my computer, to make sure no incremental updates will happen during the archive process.

2. Double check Iā€™m not missing anything

If some photos are only on Google Photos but not stored on the phone, the previous step didnā€™t archive them. We need to make sure to download them from Google Photos in the first place.

Because thereā€™s no way from Google Photos to find all photos that are not locally saved to a specific device (other than going through them one by one), thatā€™s where I use the Google Photos API to make sure Iā€™m not missing anything.

This will get technical, so if you donā€™t care about this part, feel free to skip to the next step.

First, we need a Google OAuth token with access to Google Photos. Weā€™ll reuse my script from this other article for this, just replacing the scope with Put it in a token.mjs file and run it with node token.mjs, this will go through the OAuth process and after you complete the authentication, will log the access token that weā€™ll use in the next script.

The following script can go in photos.mjs and be run with node photos.mjs, reusing the token from the previous step.

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'

const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

let pageToken = ''
let pages = []

do {
  const url = '' + encodeURIComponent(pageToken)


  const response = await fetch(url, {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`

  const json = await response.json()


  pageToken = json.nextPageToken
} while (pageToken)

await fs.writeFile('pages.json', JSON.stringify(pages, null, 2))

This will fetch all pages from the Google Photos API and dump them in a pages.json file.

From there, I like to use jq to extract the filenames:

cat pages.json | jq -r '.[].mediaItems[].filename' | sort > gphoto-files

Now, letā€™s make a list of all the files local to the phone. Iā€™ll only scan the directories I configured to be backed up on Google Photos. Adjust this to your needs.

find DCIM Pictures Movies Download \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.png' -o -name '*.webp' \) > ~/phone-files
cat phone-files | xargs basename | sort > phone-basefiles

Note: to find the list of relevant extensions I used the following command:

cat gphoto-files | awk -F. '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq

Now we have a sorted list of the files on Google Photos and on the phone, we can use the comm command to find missing entries:

# See what's on the phone but not on Google Photos
comm -23 phone-basefiles gphoto-files

# See what's on Google Photos but not on the phone
comm -23 gphoto-files phone-basefiles

If Iā€™m missing some files, Iā€™ll go on and download them from Google Photos to my phone and run the sync again, and repeat this process until everything is consistent.

When a file is missing from the phone, look at pages.json to find the corresponding Google Photos link!

Note: hereā€™s an alternative script Iā€™ve also been using to check if the files from Google Photos are missing in my backup:

cat gphoto-files | while read file; do find . -name "$file" | grep -q . || echo "Missing $file"; done

3. Copy synced folder to archive

For this example, letā€™s assume I synced my phone to a /Volumes/Syncthing/Phone directory, and I want to archive my old photos in /Volumes/Archive/Phone.

Iā€™ll run the following command to copy the phone contents to my archive directory (but copying from Finder also works). Here Iā€™m only copying the directories I configured to be backed up to Google Photos in the first place.

mkdir -p /Volumes/Archive/Phone
cp -a /Volumes/Syncthing/Phone/{DCIM,Pictures,Movies,Download} /Volumes/Archive/Phone

If the target directory already exists, this will append new files to it (and overwrite them if a file already exists there)!

Note: if both directories are on the same filesystem, and youā€™re not appending to an existing archive, you may use mv instead, but then make sure to recreate the Syncthing directory and put back its .stfolder (required for Syncthing to recognize it) and .stignore if you have one!

At that point I like to remove empty directories from the archive. This also involves removing .DS_Store files on Mac, and .nomedia if you use WhatsApp, to make sure the empty directories can actually be identified as such.

find . -type f -name .nomedia -delete
find . -type f -name .DS_Store -delete
find . -type d -empty | while read dir; do rmdir -v "$dir"; done

The last command is not recursive so you may need to run it a few times in the case a parent directory only contained empty directories. Itā€™s done when it outputs nothing.

4. Delete everything from Google Photos

Not necessarily everything, but well, everything you want to delete to free up space.

You can do it from your phone, or from Google Photos on your computer, or on the web, although in my experience, I would recommend doing it from the phone.

When deleting a lot of photos from the web version, this tends to confuse the phoneā€™s syncing algorithm and Iā€™ve ended up with a bunch of photos being re-uploaded and somehow duplicated and it was kind of a mess to clean up.

It tends to just work when deleting from the phone. The only downside is that the app doesnā€™t make it easy to select a whole bunch of photos at once, I just have to hold my thumb for a minute with the super slow scroll until everything is selected.

Note: at that point I like to take note of how many photos I deleted, so I can double check the number in a later step.

5. Sync phone to computer again

Again with Syncthing in my case, I do a sync following the deletion.

Note: you may want to exclude .trashed-* files in your .stignore, otherwise the photos you deleted will still be transferred while theyā€™re in the trash.

Now in our example, /Volumes/Syncthing/Phone contains just the photos we decided to keep around in Google Photos, while /Volumes/Archive/Phone contains all the photos (also including the ones we kept around).

6. Remove the overlap

To avoid that duplication, we can remove all files from the archive that are still in the Syncthing directory. That is, all the photos/videos we kept, as well as all the files in the phone storage that are not managed by Google Photos.

(cd /Volumes/Syncthing/Phone && find . -type f) | while read f; do

  if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    rm -v "$file"

Now, the archive directory only contains what we removed from Google Photos (and from the phone).

We can confirm with the following command:

find /Volumes/Archive/Phone -type f | grep -v DS_Store | wc -l

It should match the number of files deleted from Google Photos earlier.

We can also one last check:

find /Volumes/Syncthing/Phone/{DCIM,Pictures,Movies,Download} \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' -o -name '*.mp4' -o -name '*.png' -o -name '*.webp' \) | wc -l

This should match the number of photos currently on Google Photos (if you kept any).

7. Profit!

You can now enjoy all the space you freed up by archiving your photos and videos away from Google Photos!

Repeat every time youā€™re close to running out of storage. šŸ˜‰

What about motion photos?

Googleā€™s motion photos are the equivalent of Appleā€™s live photos: a photo that also contains a short video of the ā€œmomentā€ it was captured.

What happens to those during our archival process? Well, itā€™s complicated.

In short, donā€™t worry, theyā€™re backed up and the little video that goes with the motion photo is not going to be lost, but you wonā€™t be able to watch the ā€œliveā€ part anymore, youā€™ll only see the still picture.

The reason is that Google stores the MP4 video part at the end of the JPEG file. This doesnā€™t prevent displaying the image, but thereā€™s currently no photo viewer other than Google Photos that knows to extract that MP4 section following the JPEG data, and display it properly.

So if you want to see the live part of a motion photo, youā€™ll have to re-import it to Google Photos.

Alternatively, you can extract the MP4 part of the motion photo to a different file, which you can do by using a script like detailed in this post.

Note: if you use the script from the above post on macOS, youā€™ll need GNU grep in order find the byte offset of the MP4 header.

This means youā€™ll have to brew install coreutils and replace grep by ggrep in the script for it to work.


Archiving photos away from Google Photos is not trivial, but possible.

If you care about not losing any of your photos, I recommend double checking at every step that youā€™re not accidentally forgetting any file.

When done well, this allows to periodically free up some space from your Google account without actually having to get rid of your photos and videos! Theyā€™ll still be available on your archive hard drive if you want to. Your old photos are not as handy as if they were in the cloud, but you know you can access them if needed.

Overall, youā€™re probably better off just paying Google to increase your storage, but if youā€™re really motivated, I hope you can find inspiration in the process I described in this post.

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