How can rsync work on a host without shell access? 🤔

And SFTP, SCP, BorgBackup…

April 9, 2022


It does not. But sometimes, hosting providers use a trick so that you don’t have shell access but rsync thinks it does…

The case of a file hosting provider

I use a Hetzner storage box for my backups. They have a super competitive offer that can get you 1 TB of storage for €2.90 per month, or 5 TB for €9.90!

On their features page they list they support a number of protocols, including SFTP, SCP, BorgBackup, and rsync over SSH.

All of those protocols happen over a SSH connection, yet Hetzner doesn’t give us SSH access to the box:

$ ssh
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0

| Your authentication works but we do not support interactive logins.           |
| For more information on how to access your Storage Box please check our Docs: |
|       |

Connection to closed.

Let’s assume the following ~/.ssh/config for further commands for simplicity, so that we can just ssh hetzner:

Host hetzner
    User u123456

While interactive SSH is not allowed, we can try running a command directly:

$ ssh hetzner ls

Interesting. What other commands do they allow?

$ ssh hetzner cp file3 file4
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner cat file1
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner du -sh .
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner pwd
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner whoami
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner rm file3
Command not found

Well, not much. So by what sorcery are SFTP, SCP, BorgBackup and rsync able to work over this connection?

$ sftp hetzner
Connected to hetzner.

$ scp file4 hetzner:

$ rsync -v file5 hetnzer:

$ ssh hetzner ls file4 file5

To understand, let’s dig in the internals of SFTP, SCP, BorgBackup and rsync.


SFTP is actually the odd one in the room. But we’ll start with it nevertheless.

Using -v to enable debug output gives one interesting line near the end of the log:

$ sftp -v hetzner
debug1: Sending subsystem: sftp

It looks like we’re dealing with something called SSH subsystems. A good way to find more about them is to search how to enable SFTP but disallow SSH.

Here, we meet our SSH server subsystem again, which is typically configured on the server as:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

From the ssh(1) man page, we can see that ssh -s allows to pass a subsystem where we would normally pass a command, e.g:

$ ssh hetzner -s sftp

This command hangs, meanings the remote server is waiting for SFTP commands. Since it’s a binary protocol, we won’t be able to play with it directly, but this is the connection over which a normal SFTP client would be able to do its magic. Sweet!


Let’s use the verbose/debug mode trick like we did previously with SFTP:

$ scp -v file4 hetzner:
debug1: Sending command: scp -v -t .

Here, the relevant part of the debug output is where scp sends the remote command scp -v -t ..

-v is for the verbose mode we specified, but if we look at the scp(1) man page, there’s nothing for -t.

We can look at the source code where they parse the command line arguments:

case 'f':    /* "from" */
    iamremote = 1;
    fflag = 1;
case 't':    /* "to" */
    iamremote = 1;
    tflag = 1;

So we learn that -f or -t are used internally to trigger the remote mode. Because in our case we were sending a file to the remote host, we entered -t mode, but if we were downloading a file form the host, we would likely see -f. Let’s try:

$ scp -v hetzner:file4 .
debug1: Sending command: scp -v -f file4

So it’s through invoking scp on the remote host over SSH that our local scp is able to transfer files. But how is that possible? We saw earlier that basically every command but ls was returning “command not found”! And we can confirm scp is not present on the remote host:

$ ssh hetzner scp
Command not found

Or is it? Let’s try the full command that scp would normally run on the remote host…

$ ssh hetzner scp -t .
$ ssh hetzner scp -f file4

Both those commands hang, meaning that Hetzner actually ran them, and we now have a communication channel with the remote scp process!

So Hetzner disallowed us to run scp directly on the remote host, but they whitelisted the specific arguments that scp would internally pass to start the remote process. Smart.


Now we know the pattern, it’s easy to confirm that they do the same whitelisting for BorgBackup. We can see that borg serve is used to start the remote process.

$ ssh hetzner borg
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner borg --help
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner borg serve

The last command hangs, and again we exposed the way Borg internally opens a communication channel with a Borg implementation on the remote server!


One more time, we leverage the verbose mode, this time with -vv to get extra debug output, to see what rsync does internally:

$ rsync -vv file5 hetzner:
opening connection using: ssh hetzner rsync --server -vve.LsfxCIvu . .  (7 args)
delta-transmission enabled

Sweet. Let’s try to run this manually:

$ ssh hetzner rsync
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner rsync --help
Command not found

$ ssh hetzner rsync --server -vve.LsfxCIvu . .

And again, Hetzner allowed the last command and we have an open communication channel with the remote rsync process!

Digging deeper just for fun

If you’re curious, there’s a Server Fault question about the meaning of the -vve.LsfxCIvu part.

The answers there were a pretty good start, but there was something fishy and unexplained about the . in the middle, and I wasn’t quite satisfied. So I dug I bit more.

In the case of -vve.LsfxCIvu, it’s actually equivalent to -v -v -e '.LsfxCIvu', because of the way popt(3)'s POPT_ARG_STRING parses command line options (the library used by rsync to parse options), which is quite a common behavior for Unix commands short options.

The trick is that -e is interpreted differently when we’re in --server mode, in a way that’s not related to the -e client option from the man page, that is normally the short version of --rsh, allowing to specify the remote shell to use.

Setting -e or --rsh will have the options parser populate the shell_cmd variable, but they hijack it in server mode to populate a client_info variable instead, which is used differently, to define a number of internal protocol compatibility options.

We can look at the code that creates the value for the -e option to get an idea of what those options do. In my case:

I didn’t really need to know that -vve.LsfxCIvu means -v -v -e '.LsfxCIvu' and not -v -v -e . -L -s -f -x -C -I -v -u? No. Does this makes my life any better? Not really. But there’s an invisible force that pushes me to spend ridiculous amounts of time to make sense of this kind of things.


SFTP, SCP, BorgBackup and rsync all work on a client/server model, where the command is run both on the client and the server, and communicate together over SSH. It means that the command needs to be installed on the remote server as well, and allowed to be run over SSH.

rsync and BorgBackup can achieve great performance to synchronize files on a storage server like Hetzner, because despite not having shell access on that server, the specific commands used by those tools to start a remote process are whitelisted.

For other tools like restic, because Hetzner doesn’t support their custom server protocol, they are constrained to use the more generic (and limited) commands of SFTP, which doesn’t allow optimal performance.

So if you were wondering how all those tools can run code on your storage box despite you being denied shell access, now you know!

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