Elixir, Ecto and Heroku Postgres: unverified SSL certificates

Or attempting to trace warnings with Erlang

September 24, 2021

This one took me a bit of time to sort out so I figured I’d write a blog post about it in case it can help someone else.

I have a Phoenix Elixir application that I recently deployed on one of my servers. While it’s running smooth, I was bugged by the following warning that was showing only in production when starting the app:

[warn] Description: 'Authenticity is not established by certificate path validation'
     Reason: 'Option {verify, verify_peer} and cacertfile/cacerts is missing'

This message was repeated 10 times during boot. Spoiler, 10 is also my Ecto :pool_size, but I didn’t think about that right away.

There was no context around that, and since the app interacts with quite a few things over SSL, it could have come from a lot of places.

Tracing warnings in Elixir: investigation and delusion

My first reflex was to look for something similar to Node.js’ --trace-warnings option. This will add a stack trace to all warnings, making it very easy to track where they’re from and address them.

Sadly, I couldn’t find anything similar with Elixir and Erlang. I resorted to asking on Elixir Forum, only to get confirmation that this wasn’t possible.

Compiling Erlang?

The line that logged that warning was easy to find in the Erlang ssl module, but that didn’t help me identifying what code path triggers it.

I thought about compiling Erlang with a patch that raises an exception instead of logging a warning there. While that wouldn’t be the quickest solution, it would definitely make it obvious what’s triggering that peer validation warning.

What was bugging me was that I was seeing this warning only in production, not on my development machine. And I didn’t really like the idea of compiling my patched Erlang in production to debug in production…

Note: I didn’t end up compiling Erlang to trace the warning that way, because I was lucky to find after some trial and error what was causing it.

That being said, if you run into the same kind of issue and don’t find any alternative, this is guaranteed to give you an answer, so it’s probably worth the effort at that point!

Going for a walk

I didn’t actually go for a walk, but that’s the kind of thoughts that usually happen when you take a walk, or when you’re under the shower, so I would have probably gotten that idea earlier if I did.

If it’s happening only in production, it’s probably coming from one of the production environment variables!

For some reason, until then, I was focused on finding if there was something odd about my Erlang build in production, or the CA certificates configuration on the server, and while it could have come from there, environment variables were an easy one to test.

So I configure my local machine with the production environment variables, and bingo! I can repro the warning.

At that point it becomes very obvious to me that my database connection is the culprit, because it’s the only thing in the environment that’s related to SSL in a way or another.

Heroku Postgres and SSL certificate verification

Now that I found the offender, it’s easier to look for a specific solution. The first result on Google for heroku postgres ssl verify is this page on the Heroku support website.

Since for some reason it requires to be logged in with an Heroku account to view it, I’ll just quote the relevant part here:

Heroku Postgres does not currently support verifiable certificates. Our certificates will change when the underlying hardware has issues and we move your database away from it.

Sweet. So it’s actually “intended” that I get a SSL verification warning when connecting to my Heroku Postgres database over SSL.

But knowing that is not enough for me. Now I identified that this warning was acceptable and doesn’t need to be fixed per se, I need to mute it, so that it doesn’t adds noise to the logs.

This is particularly important because otherwise, I would hardly notice a new SSL verification warning that would appears in another potentially more critical part of the codebase, leaving me with vulnerabilities.

Muting this particular warning

As we saw earlier, for that warning to show up, we need the SSL connection’s verify to be set to verify_none, and the ssl_logger's level to be configured to show warnings.

The default value of verify in the ssl module is indeed verify_none, and Ecto doesn’t seem to alter it by default. Also the default log_level of the ssl_logger is set to notice, which is why we’re seeing that warning.

It seems that my only option here is to configure the SSL connection specifically for my Ecto repository to have a log level of :error:

config :myapp, MyApp.Repo,
  ssl_opts: [log_level: :error]

Edit: it was brought to my attention that just two months after I wrote this post, Erlang/OTP introduced a better solution for this. Now:

A warning will be emitted unless verify_none is explicitly configured.

This means that even if ssl_opts: [verify: :verify_none] is the default behavior, explicitly setting it will now mute the warning. 🎉

config :myapp, MyApp.Repo,
  ssl_opts: [verify: :verify_none]

This avoids messing around with the logger as I originally explained below.

It took more hours than I’m willing to admit to come up with this patch that turns out to be trivial. So I’m trying to feel better about myself by spending even more hours writing a blog post about it to explain all the details and subtleties. 😅

If you’re here to try and solve an unverified warning issue, or trace warnings with Elixir and Erlang in general, I hoped that it was useful to you. Have a wonderful day!

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