Tracking the value of an Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain token in real time

August 23, 2021

If you want to programmatically track the value of a crypto token on Ethereum or the Binance Smart Chain, you’re in the right place, because I recently wanted to do that as well.

There was very little beginner content about this online and it was pretty hard to figure out without any prior cryptocurrency knowledge, but it turned out to be technically pretty trivial, so I figured I would write a quick blog post about this.

For the example I’ll use the Binance Smart Chain with CheCoin, a token that’s exchanged through a PancakeSwap pool, but my understanding is that this should be applicable with pretty much the same code to Ethereum and Uniswap.

First attempt: trying to scrape existing sites

Sites like PooCoin and DEXTools show a live graph of the token transactions, which is exactly the kind of data we’d need to see the real-time value.

At the time I didn’t know about DEXTools which seems actually pretty easy to scrape. On PooCoin though, all the data seems to come from, with a JSON-wrapped binary format for requests and responses that’s totally obscure.

Googling that domain leads me to Binance’s JSON-RPC documentation, but it’s not instantly clear from this page or the linked resources how to concretely encode and decode the binary protocol.

Filling the gap

I grab a beer with my friend Damien who’s much more knowledgable than me about cryptocurrencies, and he instantly recognizes the Ethereum JSON-RPC API, which is actually well documented and comes with a number of clients for different languages (web3.js being a popular JavaScript one). Sweet.

Since the Binance Smart Chain is forked off Ethereum, they share a lot of similarities, meaning we can use web3.js to connect to the JSON-RPC API of a Binance node. My understanding is that most nodes don’t expose the API publicly but Binance conveniently provides a list of public nodes to access it.

With that, there’s a number of ways we can determine the value of a token, and we’ll explore two below: dividing the pool balances, and polling the latest transactions.

First method: dividing the pool balances

The token I’m interested in is exchanged with PancakeSwap, a fork of Uniswap for the Binance Smart Chain. Uniswap and PancakeSwap allow trading (swapping) between two tokens with smart contracts through a liquidity pool.

The main exchange for CheCoin is a pool that holds both CheCoin and wrapped BNB, allowing to easily trade between the two tokens.

Because Uniswap follows the constant product market maker model, the value of the tokens in the pool is directly related to the reserves of each token. This means that by dividing the reserve of wBNB in the pool by the reserve of CheCoin, we can get the value of CheCoin in wBNB at that point in time.

We can then poll the pool balance to get the value of CheCoin in real time. Giving a USD value is then a matter of fetching the current wBNB value in USD (which I won’t cover here but should be easier) and applying that to the CheCoin value.

Now, this is great, but how to do that concretely? Let’s start by doing it from Etherscan (for Ethereum) or BscScan (Etherscan fork for the Binance Smart Chain) and then port that logic to web3.js.

Doing the operation manually on BscScan

While the PancakeSwap UI conveniently gives us the address of the CheCoin / wBNB pool, let’s figure it as if we only knew the address of the CheCoin token contract: 0x54626300818e5c5b44db0fcf45ba4943ca89a9e2.

By browsing that address on BscScan, we can see that we’re in the presence of a BEP-20 token. By going in the “contract” tab, we get the Solidity code behind that smart contract, as well as the contract JSON ABI, which will be useful for later.

Then by opening “read contract”, we can see the read-only functions exposed by the CheCoin smart contract. The read-only functions don’t require a gas fee, so we can query them right from the interface. BscScan makes it especially convenient by automatically calling the functions that don’t take any parameter and showing directly the value.

uniswapV2Pair is one of those functions without arguments, that return an address: 0x194850932e48753cbeedf0af85022152148addc6. This is the address of the main exchange liquidity pool for that token.

Following that address on BscScan leads us to the contract for the liquidity pool. We can see it’s a PancakePair contract. In its read contract, we find a getReserves function that returns 3 values: _reserve0, _reserve1 and _blockTimestampLast.

A bit further, we can read token0 which contains the address of the CheCoin token, and token1 which is the address of the wBNB token.

With that we know that _reserve0 is the CheCoin balance and _reserve1 the wBNB balance. By dividing the wBNB balance by the CheCoin balance, we get the current CheCoin price in wBNB. At the time of writing:

898088729263450811395 / 19062285402212133851022386471 = 0.000000047113381754

A note about token decimals

This works here because it happens that both CheCoin and wBNB tokens use 18 decimals internally. There is no guarantee that the tokens will use 18 decimals, even though it seems to be pretty common. For example, the PooCoin token uses 8 decimals only, meaning that the above formula doesn’t give us the proper price of PooCoin.

You can find the number of decimals in the decimals function of the read contract of the token. For example for CheCoin, PooCoin and wBNB.

If we take the current balances of the PooCoin / wBNB pool, this gives us:

(4450271521514080442547 / 1e18) / (59678440268618 / 1e8) = 0.007457084168894177

Which is an accurate reading for the current price of PooCoin in wBNB.

A note about the pair address

We saw earlier that the CheCoin token included a uniswapV2Pair function to get the pair address, but it’s not the case of every token, for example PooCoin doesn’t have any.

Instead, Uniswap provides a neat “factory” contract that we can call with two tokens to retrieve the pair address. In my case, I’ll look at the PancakeSwap version, where the factory address is documented to be 0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73.

Visiting that address on BscScan and going in the read contract, we can call the getPair function, for example with the addresses of PooCoin (0xb27adaffb9fea1801459a1a81b17218288c097cc) and wBNB (0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c). It returns 0x0c5da0f07962dd0256c079248633f2b43cad6f62, which is effectively the address of the PooCoin / wBNB pool.

Now we know how to calculate the price of the token we want, let’s script this with web3.js.

Getting the contracts ABI

The first important thing here is that to be able to call methods on a smart contract, you need to know the contract ABI.

This is typically a JSON file, that BscScan shows at the bottom of the contract tab.

While there is no obligation to publish the source code and ABI of a contract on the blockchain, it seems to be common practice to publish it to Etherscan / BscScan for discoverability and verifiability, so we can usually grab it from there.

In our case, we’ll need the ABI for the CheCoin, wBNB, PancakePair and PancakeFactory contracts. Copy the ABI JSON and put them respectively in checoin.json, wbnb.json and pair.json and factory.json.

I you need to do that programmatically, you can check out the BscScan API or Etherscan API that feature an endpoint to fetch a given contract ABI.

Calling the smart contracts

Now, we got everything we need to call the contracts with web3.js.

If you read everything I wrote until now, the code should be self-explanatory.

const Web3 = require('web3')

const checoinAbi = require('./checoin')
const wbnbAbi = require('./wbnb')
const pairAbi = require('./pair')
const factoryAbi = require('./factory')

// See <>.
const factoryAddress = '0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73'

const checoinAddress = '0x54626300818e5c5b44db0fcf45ba4943ca89a9e2'
const wbnbAddress = '0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c'

// See <>.
const rpcEndpoint = ''

async function main () {
  const web3 = new Web3(rpcEndpoint)

  const checoinContract = new web3.eth.Contract(checoinAbi, checoinAddress)
  const wbnbContract = new web3.eth.Contract(wbnbAbi, wbnbAddress)
  const factoryContract = new web3.eth.Contract(factoryAbi, factoryAddress)

  // If token provides `uniswapV2Pair`.
  // const pairAddress = await checoinContract.methods.uniswapV2Pair().call()

  // Generic method.
  const pairAddress = await factoryContract.methods.getPair(checoinAddress, wbnbAddress).call()

  const pairContract = new web3.eth.Contract(pairAbi, pairAddress)

  const checoinDecimals = await checoinContract.methods.decimals().call()
  const wbnbDecimals = await wbnbContract.methods.decimals().call()
  const reserves = await pairContract.methods.getReserves().call()

  const checoin = reserves[0] / Math.pow(10, checoinDecimals)
  const wbnb = reserves[1] / Math.pow(10, wbnbDecimals)
  const timestamp = reserves[2]

  console.log(timestamp, checoin, wbnb, (wbnb / checoin).toFixed(18), (checoin / wbnb).toFixed(18))


This displays the latest block timestamp, the current CheCoin balance, wBNB balance, then the price of CheCoin in wBNB, and the price of wBNB in CheCoin.

Second method: polling the latest transactions

The pool balances method works well, and while the value we get matches exactly the one displayed by PancakeSwap on the pool view, it can differ a bit from the one we see on PooCoin, because the latter uses the price of the last transaction as token price instead of dealing with the balances.

Let’s do the same thing with our script. Because it’s a bit of a pain in the ass to parse binary transaction logs with web3.js, we’ll use Ethers.js which makes things much easier for us on that aspect.

const { ethers } = require('ethers')

const checoinAbi = require('./checoin')
const wbnbAbi = require('./wbnb')
const pairAbi = require('./pair')
const factoryAbi = require('./factory')

// See <>.
const factoryAddress = '0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73'

const checoinAddress = '0x54626300818e5c5b44db0fcf45ba4943ca89a9e2'
// const checoinAddress = '0xb27adaffb9fea1801459a1a81b17218288c097cc' //poocoin
const wbnbAddress = '0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c'

// See <>.
const rpcEndpoint = ''

async function main () {
  const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcEndpoint)

  const checoinContract = new ethers.Contract(checoinAddress, checoinAbi, provider)
  const wbnbContract = new ethers.Contract(wbnbAddress, wbnbAbi, provider)
  const factoryContract = new ethers.Contract(factoryAddress, factoryAbi, provider)

  // If token provides `uniswapV2Pair`.
  // const pairAddress = await checoinContract.uniswapV2Pair()

  // Generic method.
  const pairAddress = await factoryContract.getPair(checoinAddress, wbnbAddress)

  const checoinDecimals = await checoinContract.decimals()
  const wbnbDecimals = await wbnbContract.decimals()

  const pairInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(pairAbi)

  const logs = await provider.getLogs({ address: pairAddress })

  for (const log of logs) {
    const parsed = pairInterface.parseLog(log)

    if ( !== 'Swap') {

    let type, che, bnb

    if (parsed.args.amount1Out.isZero()) {
      type = 'buy'
      bnb = parsed.args.amount1In / Math.pow(10, wbnbDecimals)
      che = parsed.args.amount0Out / Math.pow(10, checoinDecimals)
    } else {
      type = 'sell'
      che = parsed.args.amount0In / Math.pow(10, checoinDecimals)
      bnb = parsed.args.amount1Out / Math.pow(10, wbnbDecimals)

    console.log(`${type} che=${che} bnb=${bnb} tx=${log.transactionHash} blk=${log.blockNumber}`)


Everything until defining wbnbDecimals is the same as the previous example, but with Ethers.js instead of web3.js.

Then, Ethers.js conveniently provides us with an Interface class that lets us decode binary logs from a given ABI. Very nice.

const pairInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(pairAbi)

We call the getLogs function on the pairAddress, getting all logs from the latest block.

Note: for testing purpose, feel free to check the last few blocks of the pair on Etherscan or BscScan, and request logs from an older block so that you get some data more consistently:

const logs = await provider.getLogs({ address: pairAddress, fromBlock: 10289051 })

For each log, the interface we instantiated earlier from the ABI allows us to parse the log. We get back an object with the transaction name (here, we care about Swap transactions) as well as the transaction arguments.

for (const log of logs) {
  const parsed = pairInterface.parseLog(log)

  if ( !== 'Swap') {


With Uniswap / PancakeSwap, there are 4 arguments to a swap: amount0In, amount1In, amount0Out, amount1Out, where amount0 are the values for token0 of the pair, and amount1 the values for token1 of the pair.

While it appears that a swap can sometimes take two inputs (and I have yet to understand why), it seems somewhat reliable to check if amount1Out is zero to tell if this transaction is a buy or a sell of token0.

Then, we just need to do the decimals conversion dance like we did before in order to display accurate values. Here I log the transaction type (buy or sell), CheCoin amount, wBNB amount, as well as the transaction hash and block number.

let type, che, bnb

if (parsed.args.amount1Out.isZero()) {
  type = 'buy'
  bnb = parsed.args.amount1In / Math.pow(10, wbnbDecimals)
  che = parsed.args.amount0Out / Math.pow(10, checoinDecimals)
} else {
  type = 'sell'
  che = parsed.args.amount0In / Math.pow(10, checoinDecimals)
  bnb = parsed.args.amount1Out / Math.pow(10, wbnbDecimals)

console.log(`${type} che=${che} bnb=${bnb} tx=${log.transactionHash} blk=${log.blockNumber}`)

Actually polling

The previous script will only log the latest transaction once, then exit. If you want to poll in real time the latest transactions and log them to the console, it’s easily done with an infinite loop.

let fromBlock = 'latest'

while (true) {
  const logs = await provider.getLogs({ address: pairAddress, fromBlock })

  if (logs.length) {
    // `fromBlock` is inclusive so poll from next block.
    fromBlock = logs[logs.length - 1].blockNumber + 1

  for (const log of logs) {
    // Previous code goes here.

  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))

Here, we poll every second (adjust to something reasonable for the current volume of transactions of the token you’re watching), making sure to request the next block in the next poll to avoid duplicates (because the fromBlock parameter is otherwise inclusive).

Final word

While everything looked pretty complex and obscure at first sight, with no cryptocurrency background, it turned out to be fairly simple after understanding a couple concepts like liquidity pools and how to navigate and invoke smart contracts.

As a cryptocurrency noob, this blog post if what I wish I found when I first started looking at how to programmatically determine the live value of a token. I hope it made things a bit easier for you. Cheers!

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